In this wonderful young adult adventure, a socially maladroit teenager invents a way to become a time-slicing superhero and uses his new powers to extract an exquisite revenge on his junior high school tormentor...
Read More ↓In this wonderful young adult adventure, a socially maladroit teenager invents a way to become a time-slicing superhero and uses his new powers to extract an exquisite revenge on his junior high school tormentor—and in the process learns a few lessons for himself as well. This hilarious tale is a delicious evocation of adolescent geekery. Don't miss this one! Written by the Hugo and Nebula award winning author of "The Martian Child," "The Man Who Folded Himself," "The War Against The Chtorr" and "The Trouble With Tribbles."
Join Dr. Darius Darke, Rosalita Bandita and the other interdimensional Riders of the Weird West as they gallop through the third volume of this series, learning the secrets behind their freshly-earned badges.
Read More ↓Join Dr. Darius Darke, Rosalita Bandita and the other interdimensional Riders of the Weird West as they gallop through the third volume of this series, learning the secrets behind their freshly-earned badges. As two of the members heal in hiding, a new, ageless pair of enemies - the mysterious Archange and witchy Hellcat Kate, powerful beyond anything the Riders have thus far imagined - emerge from the mists, spreading chaos in their wake! The key to their defeat seems to lie in an arcane bejeweled hand and the infamous Hole in the Wall hideout of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid - if the Riders win the race through... THE MISTS OF TIME!
When the Mongols sack Baghdad in the year 1258, the renegade Templar Knight Rikart al-Shah’b—Rikart the Ghost—escapes the city...
Read More ↓When the Mongols sack Baghdad in the year 1258, the renegade Templar Knight Rikart al-Shah’b—Rikart the Ghost—escapes the city. He tries to save two others as well—the Arab boy Daud and Dinah, the teenage daughter of a Jewish scholar—but they are separated in the chaos. Rikart and Daud make their escape separately, but Dinah is captured by the Mongols.
In the time that follows, as the Mongols continue to overwhelm Heart of the World—what a later age would call the Middle East—Rikart tries to persuade whichever Muslim or Christian leaders he encounters to unite against the invaders from the steppes. Eventually, he and Daud are reunited and together they liberate a captive Egyptian Mameluke leader whom they believe could lead the needed resistance.
Dinah, meanwhile, has been taken into the household of the wife of Hulegu Khan, brother of the Mongol emperor and leader of the Mongol army. Over time, a love affair develops between her and Nikola, one of the great khan’s sons.
All of their lives will come back together at the great battle of Ain Jalut, where the Mamelukes and their allies make a desperate stand against the mighty forces from Central Asia who seek to conquer Heart of the World.
Pharmaceutical giant VirtuaPharm is attempting to create that world throug their partnership with a fellow megacorporation who’s developing a...
Read More ↓Pharmaceutical giant VirtuaPharm is attempting to create that world through their partnership with a fellow megacorporation who’s developing a closed neural network. The network, enhanced through the use of VirtuaPharm’s drugs, is worth trillions. They’ll do everything in their power to protect the product launch, including employing a private army of enforcement officers to stop any interference in their business.
Meanwhile, something foul is happening in Chinatown. The mayor’s office has forbidden any police presence in the neighborhood and there’s an electromagnetic interference bubble around the district. What secrets are they hiding in the city’s newest entertainment district?
Detective Zach Forrest is back in this fourth exciting installment of the Easytown Novels, where the tech is hot, the weather is cold, and the women are sultry
Imagine a world where anything is possible and nothing is off limits.